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Week of August 14

Loving Father,

As we embark on a new school year, 我们对未来的祝福和机遇充满感激之情.
让我们的心充满兴奋和学习的渴望, to grow, 并在我们所做的一切事奉你.

As we prepare for Opening Day, 愿我们的学校成为理解的空间, our relationships sources of joy, 我们面临的挑战催生了增长.
Lord, we ask that You guide our teachers, staff, students and parents, 保护我们的安全,让我们在你的真理中得到启示.


In Jesus' name. Amen.


This year, we commemorate a truly remarkable milestone - the 75th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac. 作为玛丽公司的创始人, Our Lady, her profound legacy in education and devotion to the betterment of society continues to inspire and lead us as it has done for over 400 years.

Her dedication to empowering girls, women and, consequently, 家庭教育在当今世界仍然引起共鸣, 她坚定不移地为有需要的人服务,这是无私的灯塔. It is our responsibility to continue to uphold her principles and teachings in our daily lives and strive to Live Like Jeanne.

让我们通过传播爱来庆祝这一里程碑, hope, 和智慧——这些都是圣贞德·德·莱斯顿纳克牢记在心的价值. 愿她圣洁的旅程能激励我们过一种扎根于信仰和服务的生活, 愿她的光芒指引我们走向创造一个更富有同情心的世界. 

像珍妮一样生活- 15周年纪念


  • Front Office Open 8am - 3pm
  • iPad Enrollment Week


  • Front Office Open 8am - 3pm
  • iPad Enrollment Week


  • Front Office Open 8am - 3pm
  • iPad Enrollment Week
  • 新家庭资讯晚会,下午六时(剧场)


  • Front Office Open 8am - 3pm
  • iPad Enrollment Week


  • Front Office Open 8am - 3pm


Don't forget to mark your calendars regarding the coming events that will be here sooner than we think...

  • iPad注册周:8月14日星期一至8月17日星期四.
  • 新的家庭信息会议-星期三,8月16日
  • 2023-2024开幕日- 8月23日星期三
  • 幼儿园-四年级返校夜- 9月6日星期三
  • 中学(5-8年级)返校之夜- 9月7日(星期四)
  • 欢迎回到学校的社交和舞蹈- 9月8日
  • 家庭露营- 9月23日星期六
  • 高尔夫锦标赛-星期五,11月10日

为了减轻开学头几天需要带到学校的材料量, parents can drop off GENERAL CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (Not individual student supplies) in the cafeteria this week between 8:30am to 3:00pm. 表格将按年级标示. 请务必在教室用品上贴上标签(如:纸巾), reams of paper, cleaning supplies, etc.) with your family name.

提醒- WCEA认证和提前下课日

A large part of the planning for this coming school year has to do with the influence of the WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) accreditation process. WCEA认证每六年举行一次, with a preamble year, namely, our 2023-2024 school year, 我们在哪里花费大量的时间来“深入”了解学校的各个方面. In looking at past accreditations, we determined that approximately 76 - 80 hours of meeting time (Full days and Half days) had to be integrated into the school year for meetings, group discussions, writing, more discussions, revisions, 以及必须提交给WCEA的文件的最终草案, 和奥兰治教区进行审查和批准.

Our overall goal, as always, was to determine if there could be a way to alleviate some of the hours devoted to the WCEA without sacrificing the quality of our overall report. 话虽如此,我们想宣布今年所有的周五都是 "Early Dismissal Days", ending at 1:30pm. 所有年级的午餐仍然是热的, a lunch period to play, 工作的父母可以在下午1:30到5:30之间享受延长看护服务. By doing this, 学校将能够将会议时间从76小时减少到80小时, 到大约55个小时,允许在整个学年有更多的教学时间. 

奥兰治县的许多学校都有, or will be adopting a "late start" approach to the coming school year for various reasons ranging from accreditation to Professional Developemt. Our research showed that the late start day would be every Wednesday morning for most of these schools. We felt that parents would be inconvenienced with this approach and keeping our early dismissals consistently on Fridays would allow parents to plan in advance while simultaneously allowing our faculty and staff opportunity to meet and comply with the WCEA accreditation requirements.

以帮助减轻延长护理费用的成本为周五提前解散, please note the following:

On Friday’s ONLY:

  • Extended Care charges will begin at 2:30pm giving a one-hour grace period for parents to pick their child up after Early Dismissal at 1:30pm.
  • 下午2:30 - 3:30,延长护理5折($5).00 per hour)
  • 下午3:30以后,延长护理收费5美元.00 per half hour, until 5:30pm.

Please note that the Extended Care Program is a service offered to all of our SJDL parents who are in need of extending the learning day for their child(ren) due to work commitments or other intermittent commitments that may require their child(ren) to remain at school after 3:15 pm, or 1:30 pm on Fridays. 虽然它并不是为学生提供保姆服务或非结构化的“游戏时间”, 我们会在周五提供一些活动让孩子们参加,比如象棋俱乐部, Lego Engineering, 足球射门和其他学习活动. (请注意,这些第三方活动需要额外付费)

预计周五会有更多的孩子参加延长看护计划, we will have faculty and staff who may not be participating in respective discussions and/or training on various Fridays, help supervise the children.

School App

请务必花时间下载并安装学校的官方App, SchoolNow, on all of your mobile devices.

Information on new School Uniforms

Uniform Information

制服来自:Vicki Marsha Originals 

5292 Production Drive 
Huntington Beach, CA 92649 
school code JDL4271 

SJDL School Clothes Closet也出售二手的Vicki Marsha校服. 请参阅学校的官方日历和/或每周通讯,了解开学日期和时间. 所有学生必须每天穿制服. 所有学生都必须穿校服,以培养平等和整洁的精神.  

相似的毛衣、衬衫、衬衫等. 不是通过薇姬·玛莎原创店购买的.


A FULL SET OF REGULAR OR UNIFORM CLOTHES and SHOES is required to be kept in class in case of an occasional accident. 所有的衣物都应贴上标签. 不准带手表、珠宝或家里的东西.



  • POLO衫:海军蓝或白色,有圣珍妮标志
  • SKORT with Elastic Waistband
  • 带有圣贞德标志的毛衣(带纽扣,v领或背心)
  • 纯白色短袜(无褶边、刺绣、徽章等.) 
  • SHOES:  蓝色(皇家或海军蓝-没有明亮/霓虹色),白色或黑色的运动运动鞋(没有高帮鞋). Shoes can be a combination of these colors (EX: Navy with white Adidas stripe) or All-black Mary Jane style shoes (no designer style – plain black shoes only): no ballerina shoes may be worn. 



  • POLO浅蓝色或白色,带有SJDL标志
  • 短裤深蓝色斜纹松紧带
  • 裤子深蓝色斜纹松紧带
  • 海军蓝,全黑或深棕色(搭配短裤/长裤)
  • 带有SJDL标志的毛衣(钮扣,v领或背心).
  • 白袜(短袜/短袜) 
  • SHOES  蓝色(皇家或海军蓝-没有明亮/霓虹色),白色或黑色的运动运动鞋(没有高帮鞋). Shoes can be a combination of these colors (EX: Navy with white Adidas stripe) or All-black dress shoes.



女生k -8年级校服

  • POLO White/Navy with SJDL Logo
  • 格纹短裙(不高于膝盖中部)
  • SHORTS Navy  (knee length)
  • PANTS Navy blue twill
  • 海军蓝,全黑或深棕色(搭配短裤/长裤)
  • 白袜(短袜/短袜) 
  • SHOES 
  • 蓝色(皇家或海军蓝-没有明亮/霓虹色),白色或黑色的运动运动鞋(没有高帮鞋). Shoes can be a combination of these colors (EX: Navy with white Adidas stripe) or All-black Mary Jane style shoes (no designer style –plain black shoes only): no ballerina shoes may be worn.


Girls’ K-4th Grade Full Uniform

  • BLOUSE: White with round collar
  • 套衫:(不高于膝盖中部)
  • TIE: criss cross
  • 毛衣/开衫/背心:带徽章

圣贞德的夹克可以穿在学校的毛衣外面, 但在“全套制服”日不能代替.

Girls’ 5th-8th Grade Full Uniform

  • 衬衫:白色牛津带扣领 
  • TIE: regular or clip-on
  • 裙子:不短于膝盖以上两英寸
  • 毛衣/开衫/背心:带徽章

圣贞德的夹克可以穿在学校的毛衣外面, 但在“全套制服”日不能代替.

Boys’ K-8th Grade Regular Uniform

  • POLO白色/浅蓝色,带有SJDL标志
  • SHORTS Navy  (knee length)
  • PANTS Navy blue twill
  • BELT Navy, all black or dark brown 
  • 白袜(短袜/短袜) 
  • SHOES  蓝色(皇家或海军蓝-没有明亮/霓虹色),白色或黑色的运动运动鞋(没有高帮鞋). Shoes can be a combination of these colors (EX: Navy with white Adidas stripe) or All-black dress or all-black dress shoes.

Boys’ K-8th Grade Full Uniform

  • 白色牛津衬衫,领口有钮扣 
  • TIE: regular or clip-on
  • PANTS Navy blue twill

圣贞德的夹克可以穿在学校的毛衣外面, 但在“全套制服”日不能代替.


The P.E. 制服由最新的圣贞德t恤和海军蓝短裤组成.学生们要穿校服来.E. Uniform on days they attend P.E. class. Children who participate in the After-School Sports Program (Grades 5-8) should not expect to play on a team on a day when they have not dressed out and participated in the P.E. class.

  • PE SHIRT: P.E. 印有名字的t恤或任何Saint Jeanne t恤/Spirit t恤
  • PE SHORTS: Navy blue nylon mesh
  • SWEATSUIT: (Very cold weather only) Students may wear the Lancer Sweat suit or the SJDL sweatshirt (blue/gold) from Vikki Marsha or the SJDL Spirit Store
  • 袜子:纯白色(不是海军蓝),标准长度,脚踝以上       


SJDL Clothes Closet

SJDL衣橱将于8月23日周三和周四开放 & 24, from 2:30pm - 3:30pm. 因为第一个星期一不上课, SJDL衣橱的下一个开业时间是周一, September 11, at 7:30am.

Please enter through the Front Office while school is in session (7:30am-3:30pm Monday through Friday). 如有需要,我们会提供去衣帽间的路线.

If you need to “shop” at another time or have any questions please contact the Clothes Closet Coordinators Mrs. Adams ([email protected]) and/or Mrs. Nguyen ([email protected])


我们想为我们的学生提供年初供应清单. 我们已经尽我们所能减少学生开始新学年所需的用品.

Please note the following:

  • Due to limited classroom storage, 重要的是,学生只携带相应年级列表上显示的东西. 
  • 不允许携带ZUCA风格的背包.
  • 所有k -8年级学生都需要有线耳机. K-2耳机需要贴上标签,并放在教室里.
  • 3 -8年级的ipad应该有一个合适的保护套,可以减少屏幕损伤和撞击损伤.
  • Individual subject area teachers will take the responsibility to store items that are indicated (ie: ELA, Art, Science, etc.)


2023-2024 School Supply Lists

Coming Weeks

Over the next few weeks, 为2023-2024学年的开始做准备, we will be sure to include content that will help parents (both new and returning) navigate any questions that are certain to arise. 为了实现这一目的,并帮助缩小我们的范围, 我们希望您能告诉我们,皇冠体育官网新学年的开始,我们可以具体解决什么问题.

Athletics logo

SJDL Athletics                           


We hope you will be able to attend this virtual meeting as we present an overview of the Lancer Athletics program, its overall intention and goals as well as specific content regarding the Fall Season opportunities for any 5th-8th grade student/athlete.

Fall Sports Registration

第五八节排球和第五八节足球的训练将于8月28日(星期一)开始.-Thurs.) from 3:30 pm-4:30 pm.

Football Team Registration Form (Grades 5-8)

Volleyball Team Registration From (Grades 5-8)

教区体育联盟的长盛不衰的力量, 圣珍妮·德·莱斯顿纳克学校的体育项目, 专注于通过竞技体育塑造性格. Committed to tradition, 学校对学生学习的期望, and a powerful Mission Statement, our coaches, 谁也是玛丽教育工作者的公司, 期待最高水平的行为, enthusiasm, 以及各个级别和运动项目的所有学生运动员的体育精神. 作为最大的为期一年的项目,有数百名学生参加, 成功并不仅仅取决于计分板上显示的结果, end of season records, or championships, 而是建立在天主教和基督教价值观基础上的“团队”概念.

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Lancer pride is an integral part of the legacy of success in athletics on all levels and continues to promote that same success in life and for life.

Home & School Association

HSA Logo

The Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Home and School Association is an organization of parents who have chosen to participate more fully in the service of Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School by organizing fundraising activities, 通过提供直接惠及学生的资金, faculty, the general plant, and equipment. The Home & School Association is instrumental in achieving the undertakings of the school with the support of our friends, parents and the local community.

H&S Announcement(s)

请填写“家庭与学校” Parent Volunteer Form 如果你有兴趣与其他家长志愿者一起为皇冠体育app.  大约有250个家庭,大约10%的志愿者返回.  那10%的人需要你的帮助,不管任务有多小.  需要一个精神村庄来帮助形成一个社区....请考虑积极参与实现这一目标.   

17日晚上7点的会员大会将是一个虚拟(Zoom)会议. Click HERE to access meeting.

Home & School Sponsored Events


Fall Gala Gift Gathering Weeks

Start: Sep 30, 2024 End: Oct 11, 2024

Multi-Day Event


查尔斯顿包裹-由家庭赞助 & School

Start: Oct 1, 2024 End: Oct 15, 2024

Multi-Day Event


Clothes Closet Open

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM


Home & School General Meeting

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Trunk or Treat

4:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Saturn App...should my kid download it?

各国主要的儿童网络安全倡导者(巴克).US) gives this app a hard no! The dangers are too numerous, and include possible predation, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and more. 还有其他的应用程序可以帮助你的孩子管理他们的时间表,社交媒体已经存在了. 没有必要开发一款从一开始就有这么多危险的新应用. Read more...


Interested in becoming Catholic?

Already a baptized Catholic who desire to be fully initiated through additional Sacraments such as Confirmation?



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